Time is galloping away and we are almost ready for the September event - Tuesday 10th at 7.30pm and Wednesday 11th at 10.00am. To coincide with the school’s 250th Anniversary we delve into the archives and show displays from the schools logbooks how easy it was to be absent from school (and why) and from the school menu book what was presented to children for meals. You may be surprised.
We will have a video running of the schools bi-centennial celebrations of 1974 complete with school related songs. You may well know one or two or even all of them. There will be a huge range of school related photographs and the usual schools group photos from the past so you may find yourself in them if you attended the school.
Once again, if you have any stories or photographs of any family or friends or even yourself at the school, PLEASE let us know as we would love to include them in our displays.
We will be taking some of our displays to the church after our event has finished on Wednesday to support their Heritage Week and these will remain there till the following Monday morning.
The 5/6th November sees our event all about the church and its vicars. Quite a controversial subject and includes old newspaper articles about some good vicars and some who may have chosen the wrong path!
The Tuesday (5th November) will start a little earlier than usual at 7.00pm and that is to give time for the annual AGM which will be conducted before the event proper. We would love to see you there. It’s your chance to have your say, good or bad, we will listen.
Running the history group takes a tremendous amount of hard work which is not always obvious. Bereavement and life changing illnesses has seriously taken its toll on the committee and there are currently only four active committee members plus our angels in the kitchen at events.
We would love to increase both committee members and non-committee volunteers to ease the workload.
So, if you feel you could be part of the team and get involved in Gilmorton’s fascinating history, we would love to hear from you.